My Powerful Birth Prenatal EducationFebruary 8 + 15 | 1:00-6:00pm | Saturdays
April 26 + May 3 | 1:00pm-6:00pm | Saturdays Join your educators for two Saturday afternoons for our in person prenatal education series.
BENEFITS OF MY POWERFUL BIRTH IN PERSON EDUCATION - All your education done in just 2 days - Each class is scheduled a week apart, giving you time to digest the information and come back with questions. - Pricing includes yourself and one birth partner - Meet other expecting families who are going through the same thing as you! This is so powerful for building your community. - Small class sizes (6-8 couples) keeps the group intimate with lots of space for questions and discussion - Learn from other course mates questions WHAT TO EXPECT - focus on your right to informed choice - find out how to powerfully communicate your needs and values with your care team - have your mind blown with what is possible for your birth and postpartum - some serious myth bustin' - a deep dive into connecting with your intuition - a whole lot of fun |
Your EducatorsOur Prep Classes are run by the team from My Powerful Birth Education. MPB is known for their in depth, fun, informative and through provoking prenatal education offerings and they are excited to continue to do their work with the Bellies community. All the team members are not just experienced educators, but are also birth doulas. Combined, the team has supported hundreds of families through their pregnancies, births and postpartum. To learn more about the team, click here.
Educators for this prep class: Michelle T. and Samantha |
- the hormones of birth
- the stages of birth
- choice of birth location
- building your birth team
- What is informed choice? And how to ask questions to get the answers you need.
- Common testing and procedures offered in pregnancy
- Birth Interventions
- Pushing
- Placenta Delivery + Cord Clamping
- Birth in the OR
- Newborn Procedures
- The first few days after birth
- Connecting to your intuition and birth wisdom
- What happens when things don't go as planned
- Setting intentions for your birth
- not just for intimate partners. You can invite your doula or anyone else who is part of your birth team.
- comfort for birth
- the important role of the birth partner through the different stages
- The first week and what to expect for baby
- What to expect for yourself
- The importance of rest
- How to get breastfeeding off to a good start
- Caring for Self
- Creating a Postpartum Plan
- Birth after loss
- Gestational Diabetes
- Advanced Maternal Age
- High Risk
- Twin Birth
- High BMI
- Induction