Please note that it is recommended to wait at least 6 weeks postpartum before practicing any physical activity. Although these classes are incredibly gentle. If there is anything you're not ready for, there are ways to modify to make it even more gentle. You could even just come to connect with others, enjoy a relaxing setting with your baby, listen to the singing bowls, and breathe. This class is suitable for everyone.

Who am I you ask? I am Sky. Having changed directions so many times I now understand the need for road signs. My personal yellow brick road didn’t lead to Oz but rather it took me through some interesting twists and turns. Through my journey, I’ve held hands with the scarecrow and have tasted her fear. I’ve worked alongside the dead, and the dying. I’ve seen the mind in all its glory fight courageous battles and tell its own horror tales. I’ve seen it destroy itself and conquer all else. I’ve learned there is no magical recipe for life, but rather a series of tools, implemented if you will, that can help you navigate the street signs thrown in your path, empowering you to live your best life. With these tools, I teach others how to live a balanced life, whether that by alleviating stress, chronic pain, or navigating the adjustments of the body, mind and soul as one goes through their pregnancy/birthing/parenting journey.
My experiences and certifications include: A B.S. in Anthropology and B.A. in Psychology from Southern Methodist University. Additionally, I am a Holistic Nutritionist (CNP) and a 500-hour certified Tantric Hatha Yoga and Meditation trained at Zuna Yoga in Bali Indonesia. When I became pregnant I furthered my teaching and knowledge to prenatal yoga and postnatal yoga so I could support myself and my daughter throughout our journey. Since then, it has inspired me to support other humans going through their own journey, so I can hold that space for them!
These holistic ingredients combined with motherhood have given me a unique lens which has led to the creation of Sky Yoga & Wellness.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and follow along.
My experiences and certifications include: A B.S. in Anthropology and B.A. in Psychology from Southern Methodist University. Additionally, I am a Holistic Nutritionist (CNP) and a 500-hour certified Tantric Hatha Yoga and Meditation trained at Zuna Yoga in Bali Indonesia. When I became pregnant I furthered my teaching and knowledge to prenatal yoga and postnatal yoga so I could support myself and my daughter throughout our journey. Since then, it has inspired me to support other humans going through their own journey, so I can hold that space for them!
These holistic ingredients combined with motherhood have given me a unique lens which has led to the creation of Sky Yoga & Wellness.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and follow along.